Tuesday, September 28, 2010


 This weekend we were invited to join 40 Rohi students on a hike to a near by town. This was in preparation for a hike up Mount Kenya in November. We were very excited, because both Sarah and I love to hike, however we did not realize what we were getting ourselves into. We started off at 7am and hiked for 4 hours through town and up a mountain to another small town. We crossed a few rivers and saw some beautiful vistas. We ate lunch which consisted of beans, rice, cabbage, and chipoti. then started back. We decided to go a different way home which was to be shorter. This was not the case. We walked through corn fields, crossed a marshy river, and walked through pouring rain. After another 4 hours we finally arrived at home. The last hour was rough as our legs were tired and aching. Sarah and I were both out of shape and after about 8 hours of hiking and 15 miles later, we were spent. But we enjoyed the time walking, talking, and eating with the students.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Why do I try to make my life comfortable wherever I am?

Since I have been in Kenya I have been out of my comfort zone. I have been seeking God more during this time. But I am also noticing that I am trying to make the life as comfortable as possible.

I find that when I strive to be comfortable I tend to be less dependent on God. The distractions that come with being comfortable pull me way from my relationship with Christ. Do I have to remain in a state of being uncomfortable to be close with Christ? If so , how do I create that when my tendency is to seek comfort. Or can I maintain my relationship with Christ while I am comfortable?

Jesus purposefully lived an uncomfortable life, at least during His three years of ministry. He was always on the move. He had no permanent home. I guess what I am seeking is, how do I remain in constant state of dependency on Christ, like so many of the Kenyan Christians that I have met.