We think God owes us mercy, but if mercy were owed, it would not be mercy. The only thing God actually owes us is justice (Boice)." Because we are sinners we cannot expect God to save us, it is His decision to extend grace to us. But He will not force it on us. We must accept that grace by acknowledging our sins and confessing that we need God to save us.
God is good by nature, therefore He must be just. Justice is His Character. He cannot live with evil. So for us to live in the presence of God we must accept Gods forgiveness, His grace, so that judgment does not fall on us.
According to Scripture, carrying out justice is not a choice but an command from God. We should follow Christ’s example and practice grace and mercy, while we speak the truth and carry out justice. In the gospel there is a time of mercy and grace (the time we are living in now) but judgment and justice will come.
However, having grace and mercy does not mean that I have to do what is nice. Jesus’ entire ministry brought conflict and dissension amongst the people. Jesus was not concerned with being nice but with truth and justice. We are not called to be nice but to carry out justice. Even if it is difficult or unpopular, justice must be done. God will not judge us based on our kindness but on how we defended the defenseless, loved the outcasts, and cared for widows and orphans.
I am called to carry out justice, but not be judgmental. How do I do that? It requires grace and humility to see something or judge that something is wrong and then do something about it (carry out justice). A judgmental attitude that is sinful is one that wants to see the other person fail or fall. It is when I don’t love the person that I see as living or acting wrongly. Carrying out justice means I must do what is right, but still love the people that are acting wrongly.
I hope that God will help give me wisdom and humility in how to respond to situations where I see the need for justice.
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