Hey Guys, July 16, 201
I thought I would pass along some of my thoughts, feelings and maybe a few words of wisdom. I want you guys to know that I will truly miss you and a big part of me wishes I were not leaving. I want so bad to see you guys next year and be there to watch you grow and mature.
Each one of you has left an impact on me that I will never forget. You all have a unique personality and set of gifts and talents that will blossom in time. Find what you love most in life and do that with all your strength and energy. For me, I knew I liked working with students your age and that is why I became a high school teacher. When I am at school with you guys I don’t feel like I am working. I love being with you guys!
A few things I have learned: It is always best to be honest even when it means you will get in trouble. Life is unfair and can be difficult, but it is YOUR choice in how you respond. Passionately pursue your dreams. Tell those that care for you and provide for you that you love them, because someday you wont be able to tell them how much they mean to you. High school can be full of drama with friends, parents, and teachers, but know that life will mellow out after high school so graduate and do not get stuck in it. Have an adult (parent, grandparent, friend, teacher) in your life that encourages you, supports you and believes in you. Don’t keep all your thoughts and emotions inside your head. Find a healthy way to let them out (tell someone you trust or write them in a journal). Don’t worry about what others think of you. Don’t let other people opinions affect or stop you from being a leader and doing what you want. People will always say negative things about us, but don’t let it affect you. Work hard at everything you do and God will bless you!
This is a big one: Do Not marry someone based only on your emotions and feelings; marry someone because you are making a commitment to be with them forever. If you marry someone only based on your feelings, what happens when those feelings disappear or change? Your love has to be based on a commitment that is deeper than your feelings. I know this just sounds like all the right things that a teacher should say, but I truly believe them.
I know that you guys are capable of being successful in whatever you do. You are all smart students, you all have great character and I truly believe that you can do anything you want to in life! I hope to see you again, but if not, know that I am praying for you and thinking about you. I Love you guys!
These are the scriptures I live by: Matthew 22: 36-40, Prov. 3: 5-6, Philippians 4:6-8
-Mr. Nathan Alcorn
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